Tag Archives: insecurity

Monkey Monkey Monkey

Aren’t they cuuuuttteee!!!!

Yeah, I know they’re not really monkeys. No tails.

But it seems wrong to call them anything else. Why? I have no idea.

Why is it that terms we sort of grew up with just sound more right than others? Even if they’re just totally wrong, it’s like they just fit because you’ve heard and said them so much.

Take the term “hose pipe,” for example. (For those of you who are wondering what in the world it is: It’s what people around here in southern Virginia call a water hose. Why? I have no idea.) Well, it’s completely redundant, but for some reason, it just sounds right. It rolls right off my tongue, even though the English teacher in me cringes when I say or hear it.

I’m sure there are tons of other examples.

Somewhere along late high school to early college, I tried to reform myself of all of this southern stuff. I trained myself to say “turn on the light” instead of “cut on the light.” I worked to pronounce that final “g” on all of my participles and progressive verbs. And I learned more about how chimpanzees aren’t monkeys. :P

It must’ve worked for a while, at least, even though my college friends from the rest of the country weren’t fooled in the least. When I was waiting tables at an old local restaurant after I’d returned from Oklahoma, a non-local couple told me that they had my accent pegged for either New York or Florida. Hmm!

Anyway. What I called improvement at the time I now see so differently.

See, I wanted to be someone other than who I was, so that people would like me better. It completely defeats itself, though. Even if people did like “me,” I knew they didn’t really like me, but this “me” I’d constructed as a facade. Of course, if they didn’t like “me,” I really hadn’t lost anything … unless you count my self-respect, courage, and identity…

I was setting myself up to be lonely and alone without having even meant to take one step on the path. So sad. :(

All of this, Kevin could probably sum up succinctly, and one hyphenated word would almost certainly be at the top: SELF-ABSORBED. And another: PRAY.

So even now, when I’m feeling insecure and beating myself up over saying the wrong thing or not thinking to say something I should have, when I’m spending too much time wondering what other people are thinking about what I said, what I wrote, what I wore, how I’ve changed… these are times when I need to stop and realize that my focus is on the entirely wrong spot.


It caught my eye as we were walking the other day.

A husk.

Kevin kicked it.

It was empty and brittle.

Yeah, I was a little grossed out.

It was pretty big, bigger than a quarter. A bug…

A shed skin.

Something crawled out of there.

And it made me think…

How often have I felt like that?

A shell of myself.


All the color drained from my world.

It’s been a while,

but I have been a husk of myself before.

And most people probably didn’t even know.

Because I was smiling. And laughing. And singing.

As usual.

I was a great faker, the real me shrunk up so small inside.

So weak. So scared.

Maybe I needed to be there in order to get here.

Maybe I needed to experience the husk to appreciate the whole.

The first post is the hardest.

I keep telling myself just to write something, anything.

Even if it’s bad (as it surely will be … after all, it’s the First Post), just do something. Be gone, monkey brain! Don’t fiddle with my insecurities. Sure, they’re deeply rooted, but — hey! — I’ve kept them pretty well trimmed back for the last while.

But, see, I’m sort of a perfectionist. I don’t know if that’s what causes my procrastination tendencies or vice versa, but I do know that they work well together, twining their fat evil stems in and around my every thought and action. (See how I did that?)

So, anyway, my awesome husband Kevin is usually my impetus for breaking out of bad habits. Since he’s not yet really into having a blog, though, he’s not going to “encourage” me to get it done. It’s up to me.

Maybe right now you’re thinking, imaginary reader, that the world would’ve been better off if I’d remained strangled in my weirdly weedy world.

And that’s okay. I don’t blame you. I completely understand. :)

Just to prove it, here’s a present:

[audio-clammr mp3=”first-post2.mp3″]