Tag Archives: nature

When the Mountain Laughs

When the mountain laughs,
maybe it’s time to trek down a bit,
blisters and aches.

It’s easier going
where you’ve already been.

The snow’s no more shallow,
no less in your face;
the sun’s glare, no less blinding.

But the holes you trampled
on your first go up
remain to guide you.

So get yourself to a lower altitude,
where you can breathe a little easier.

But don’t sit down.
Don’t loosen your boots.
Don’t turn your back
even for a second.

Wait for the mountain
to nod off again.
And get back at it.

~Jo R. Hawke

Originally published in The Ninety-Eight Poets, edited by W. Scott.

God’s Sunset

I wish I had a picture of the sunset we saw on the way home from Susie’s today!

Instead, I have a snippet of conversation to remember:

Atticus: The clouds are orange! The clouds are orange!
Lucas: It’s like God’s drawing on the sky!
Atticus: God’s drawing the clouds orange!

Lovely Sue

“All in the Downs the fleet was moor’d,
The streamers waving in the wind,
When black-eyed Susan came aboard;
‘O! where shall I my true-love find?
Tell me, ye jovial sailors, tell me true
If my sweet William sails among the crew.”
~”Black-eyed Susan” by John Gay